What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing modality for stress reduction and relaxation.
It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "vital energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
If one's "vital energy" is low, then we are more likely to feel the effects of sickness or stress, conversely if it is high, we are more able to feel happy and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".
So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
How Does Reiki Work?
We live because the force of life flows through us.
Life force or “vital energy” in the physical body flows through energy centres called chakras and pathways called meridians.
This vital energy also flows around us in an energy field known as the aura. This energy nourishes the body's organs and cells and supports them in their vital functions.
When this flow of “vital energy” is affected it disrupts the functioning and smooth running of the physical body.
This energy field we call our “Vital energy” responds to our thoughts and feelings and can be disturbed when we consciously or unconsciously accept negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves or the world we find ourselves living in.
These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and disrupt and constrict the flow of vital energy which in turn reduces the efficiency on a cellular level of the physical body.
Reiki helps heal the affected areas by flowing to where it is needed and flushing out the negative energy.
Reiki cleans, directs and heals energy centres and pathways, allowing “vital energy” to flow in a healthy and natural way.
Is Reiki A Religion?
The short answer to this is NO.
Reiki is spiritual by nature but can be practised by or received by anyone without having to change your belief system or compromise your current religious beliefs.
Do I need to stop seeing my Doctor?
The short answer to this is No.
Reiki is complimentary and works with regular medical or psychological treatments.
However we do recommend speaking to your current health provider and telling them if you are considering a course of Reiki treatments prior to starting.
Are there any side effects from a Reiki treatment?
In most cases A Reiki session will leave you feeling relaxed and centred.
Sometimes the Reiki session can be the catalyst for something called called a healing crisis.
This sounds very dramatic but is nothing to be concerned about as it is the body's way of clearing out the old toxins.
As the Reiki starts to flow through your system it raises your vibrational frequency and as it does so any lower frequencies are pushed out, this can result in your body working a bit harder to process all these toxins leaving you feeling a bit poorly.
Symptoms can be headaches, stomach aches and feeling very tired.
If this is the case then it is recommended that you drink more water and eat fewer and lighter meals followed by as much rest as you feel you need.
This is your body is cleansing as part of the healing process so although this may be a little unpleasant at the time overall this is a good sign.
Can I treat my Animals and Plants?
Animals and Plants love Reiki.
I particularly enjoy giving Reiki to both Animals and Plants because no only do they seem to have a natural understanding of Reiki and its benefits, they also either respond or they don't.
By this I mean a person may say “I think it's working or “it's working a bit” with Animals and Plants they don't tell you what they think you want to hear.
Once an Animal has received some Reiki, they will inevitably let you know if they want some more.
Is Reiki safe if I am Pregnant?
The Reiki energy is an intelligent energy, guided by a Higher Power, ( whatever you call Divinity)
This Reiki energy will know the condition of the client and adjust it's flow accordingly.
Many pregnant women over the years have received Reiki treatments and received great benefits to themselves and their unborn child.
Many pregnant women have also taken Reiki training and received Reiki attunements with beneficial results as It has been used during child birth.
What is Reiki Lineage?
Reiki is a healing modality that has been passed on from Reiki Master to student.
This is a process that has been repeated over generations forming a family tree that traces it's origins back to the original founder Dr. Usui.