Reiki and Good Health.

When we talk about Reiki we often speak in general terms and don’t often differentiate between Reiki the pure energy and Reiki “the system”.

This is not usually that important as we are working towards a common end which is to help ourselves and others to heal.

Whilst those that have been through their Reiki training will be aware not everyone else will. So for the benefit for everyone trying to attain better health both physical and mental here goes.

We are all familiar with the idea of you are what you eat, and we generally understand that what we consume will affect our general heath and well being.

For example on those days when I eat junk food I feel sluggish and tired and just want to eat more, I certainty don’t feel like doing any exercise.

Every now and again this is not a bad thing none of us are perfect.

But in terms of being a useful channel for Reiki it makes sense that the fitter and in better health we are, the better can can channel Reiki energy.

When we are full of heavy to digest foods our energy is much denser and so we do not channel energy as efficiently as we could.
The same goes for our general level of fitness. Again on those days I don’t exercise I feel a little more sluggish than when I do. This is a double edged sword because before we increased our energy perception we didn’t notice this as much, but now we are aware what do we do?

Like most people these days life is busy, full of distractions and demands on our time.
With these increased pressures we can really benefit all the more from a bit of time to ourselves.

The problem is we all too often use that time to sit down have a coffee and watch a bit of T.V then before you know it it’s time to jump into action again.

So what is the solution?

Well Tony Robbins always talks about “no extra time” by which he goes on to talk about stacking things so that they take up “no extra time” such as listening to an audio book whilst running on the treadmill, or reading an actual book when on the train. In this same way we can do ourselves a big favour and help both our mind and body with Yoga.

I know…. But hear me out, while we are doing our yoga which is great for building muscle strength and core stability it is also an amazing method to increase our flexibility and boosting our metabolism as well.

We also benefit from the mental calmness and focus it helps to produce.

All these benefits also make us become more aware of the foods and drinks we are consuming… which bring us neatly back to the main point…to be better channels for Reiki.

If like me you don’t have much time to spare but would still like to do something then maybe Shapeshifter Yoga: with Kris Fondran is for you.

She has an incredible website and make it clear, you don’t need  “one or two hours — just 10 minutes”! (Even the busiest professionals have time for that) is all that is needed to yield results.

If you are interested I will leave the link to Shape Shifter Yoga here for you

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