Reiki for Depression.

Depression is an all to common affliction affecting around 400,000,000 worldwide according to W.H.O ( World Health Organization) figures. If and when it is left untreated it can lead to some serious problems which in turn can compound the sense of despair and isolation.
Depression can affect ANYONE regardless of age, sex, status or religious beliefs. It can affect any at any time and sometimes there is an obvious trigger such as a trauma and sometimes there is not.

Lady with head in hands
Sad lonely feeling depressed

Depression is a complicated condition and can have a wide range of effects upon the individual and to make it more difficult these effects can change resulting with times when you may fell some or all of the symptoms.

However there are some commonly agreed indicators that you may be experiencing depression, this is not a comprehensive list.

How you might feel.

  • down, upset or tearful
  • restless, agitated or irritable
  • guilty, worthless and down on yourself
  • empty and numb
  • isolated and unable to relate to other people
  • finding no pleasure in life or things you usually enjoy
  • a sense of unreality
  • no self-confidence or self-esteem
  • hopeless and despairing
  • suicidal.

How you might behave

    • Avoiding social events and activities you usually enjoy
    • difficulty speaking, thinking clearly or making decisions
    • losing interest in sex
    • difficulty remembering or concentrating on things
    • using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual
    • difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much
    • feeling tired all the time
    • no appetite and losing weight, or eating too much and gaining weight
    • physical aches and pains with no obvious physical cause
    • moving very slowly, or being restless and agitated.

Source courtesy of MIND

It is important that we clarify here that we are in NO way suggesting that Reiki is the only way to deal with depression Although it IS my personal preferred method.

What we ARE saying is that it can have a significant positive benefit.

Benefits of Reiki for Depression.
  • Reiki is relaxing and sometimes, this alone can be a a significant contribution to us feeling better.

  • When we are experiencing Reiki we are on the most basic level interacting and connecting with a compassionate person. It is easy to overlook the impact of this simple connection but not everyone has someone they can relax and feel vulnerable with.

  • Reiki is shown to relieve stress and this alone can lead to us feeling restored and more balanced. We can feel as though we have take a step back and this can help us find a fresh perspective on life events.

  • As a person that has lived with depression at various levels for the past 40 years, I found that both giving and receiving Reiki helps strengthen my connection with the divine. This alone make me “Feel” and gives me a feeling of hopefulness.

    In conclusion I can only offer my personal experience and that of documented cases but Reiki may be for you if you would like to know more please check out other articles on this site.



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